Hi Wong, welcome to JotterPad!
Bibliography & citation manager is supported in the web app. We have just added this feature in the iOS, Android and Mac this week. As we are pushing the update by batches, you should receive the new update on your device this week.
Using the bibliography tool is easy in JotterPad. Here are the steps:
- Open a Markdown document
- Click on the Citation source manager

- Import a bib file or paste bibtex. You can also add the citation source manually
- Once done, you are now ready to add the citations in the text
- Type
in the text. A pop up box will display the available citations

- Select a citation
- The citation box will be added in the text

- Tap on the citation box for further editing e.g. remove parentheses, suppress author, add page number and so on.
You can read more about it here: